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ContactA non-negotiable issue
Employee safety and well-being are top priorities at SERFIM, which now employs more than 2,700 people in 10 professions, some of them highly technical and exposed.
The company's greatest asset, the men and women who work every day to ensure the sustainable development of
territories, are exposed to the risks inherent in public works: live networks, machine operation, night work, falls, handling, work in confined spaces...
SERFIM is committed on a daily basis to prevention and safety, issues to which we have made a strategic priority in our roadmap. Our roadmap includes specific measures aimed at reducing risks, raising employee awareness and promoting a safety culture within our company. Tougher targets, more stringent monitoring criteria - we're pulling out all the stops to further improve safety in our businesses and make it our top priority.
A pilot group
A dedicated QSE commission brings together all SERFIM entities' prevention specialists to share experiences, consolidate statistics, exchange best practices and monitor Management Committee indicators. Prevention is a SERFIM-wide concern, in all its diversity.
Awareness-raising and training
Awareness-raising and training programs play a vital role in ensuring the safety of all our employees. Thematic sessions focusing on risks specific to our sector of activity are regularly organized for our teams. Awareness of road risks, muscular warm-up, blind spots when driving machinery, lifting and slinging, exposure to silica... A panel to raise awareness of everyday gestures likely to involve risks. On average over 2022, each employee attended more than six awareness-raising events.
Challenge SERFIM d'Or
SERFIM has created the "SERFIM d'Or", an internal challenge that annually rewards the employees of the most virtuous companies in terms of safety. In 2023, the SERFIM d'Or has seen its award conditions strengthened to further improve the results of all our companies. The SERFIM d'Or 2022 has been awarded to nearly 40% of the Group's companies and 43% of its employees (1,170 people).
Emergency exercises and tests
Practical experience remains an essential lever for managing an emergency situation and acquiring the right reflexes to apply safety instructions and procedures. Our teams regularly take part in role-play exercises to test procedures, assess their feasibility and familiarize all those involved with their role in crisis management.
This full-scale test highlighted the vital importance of using a team of four divers for underwater work,
instead of the three currently required by French regulations.