Reducing our environmental footprint

The second pillar of our CSR strategy is to limit the environmental impact of our activities.

To this end, we have begun training our teams to carry out carbon audits and draw up climate strategies. But CO² is not the only ecological issue. We also need to reduce our environmental footprint in other areas, such as preserving resources and reducing pollution.

Carbon footprint and climate strategy

Responding to the challenges of climate change requires an understanding of one's own carbon emissions. To measure the footprint of their activities and improve their impact through an appropriate action plan, 9 SERFIM subsidiaries have been trained to carry out their carbon footprint. This approach has enabled the companies to develop action strategies to reduce their impact on the environment.


Mobility accounts for a significant proportion of our CO2 emissions, and is a major lever for reducing our carbon footprint. It's as much a question of rethinking uses (pooling, optimization) and encouraging alternative modes of transport for home-work journeys as it is of greening fleets...

Energy consumption

Some of our activities are particularly energy-intensive, and can represent a high proportion of our carbon footprint. This is the case, for example, of our sorting and secondary materials recovery centers, or our road operations. That's why we're looking at every possible option to reduce their carbon footprint: electrification of recycling lines, renovation of asphalt plants, consumption of green electricity... The same applies to the question of our buildings' consumption, whether it's a question of their energy performance or everyday eco-actions to reduce consumption. Finally, our SERFIM ENR subsidiary is a major lever for greening our energy consumption, with our own PV power plants installed on the roofs of our sites, and even a 1st PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) signed in October 2022 between one of our energy production sites and one of our consumption sites.


Carbon footprinting is not the only tool for improving our environmental footprint. Identifying and taking into account planetary limits also involves a more virtuous purchasing policy and better management of our resources and waste on our sites. The issue of water consumption in our businesses is also of vital importance, as some of our activities can be water-intensive, such as those related to engineering structures and water pipes.

Labels and certifications

SERFIM companies, across all business lines, have accumulated 58 certifications and recognitions in the field of corporate social responsibility.

SERFIM's commitment

The threat of climate change is unmistakable. Global surface temperatures have already risen by 1.09°C since pre-industrial times, at a rate unprecedented in the last two millennia. The latest IPCC report confirms once again the urgency of action. All companies must play their part in this transformation. SERFIM and its subsidiaries mobilize around a climate strategy

WE COUNT training subsidiaries
trade certifications
véhicules « verts » (électriques, hydrogène, GNV et bioGNV)
Mwh Total energy consumption

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