Ensuring fair, independent governance that mobilizes our stakeholders

The fifth axis of our CSR strategy concerns the commitment of our stakeholders and the sustainability of our independence.
We are determined to pursue SERFIM's transformation, in close connection with our raison d'être. Simply because our company is neither outside the world nor outside the living. It is at the heart of life. And on it, as on all other companies, will depend the quality of life on the planet we leave to our children.


As part of our CSR strategy, we want to give our employees the power to act. In other words, to provide them with all the resources they need to take initiatives and mobilize in support of our environmental and social priorities. First and foremost, this means understanding what is at stake. We have chosen to start with the climate issue, with a simple and effective teaching tool: the Climate Fresco, which we systematically deploy in our teams, either via our business lines or as part of our training courses.


In 2015, SERFIM created its own endowment fund, SERFIM Mécénat, with the ambition of supporting projects in line with the values defended by the company.
This dedicated fund aims to support local initiatives, in the territories where we are based, to act in the fields of solidarity, health, equality for all, but also to support
associations that intervene directly in our CSR priority fields.

In 2022, we decided to open up this endowment fund to our employees by initiating a call for projects, so that they could present the associations in which they are involved on a daily basis. A 100% internal jury selected the initiatives in line with our CSR strategy.

13 associations were supported in 2002 and 15 in 2023:


Innovation is a powerful lever that enables us to respond consistently to the needs of our customers and local communities. It also enables us to stay one step ahead in our businesses, driving them forward both in terms of the solutions we offer and the way we do business. Our employees are at the origin of all our innovations, which is why we are keen to showcase their ideas, notably through the Eureka competition, which each year rewards the best innovations in our businesses.


Our priority is to guarantee the sustainability of our model as a 100% independent mid-sized company, and to ensure the long-term future of our employees' jobs.

Business ethics

Business ethics are at the heart of SERFIM's commitments and those of its management bodies.
SERFIM calls on all its employees to conduct their actions and exercise their responsibilities in strict compliance with the laws and regulations in force concerning standards of business ethics and integrity. The code of conduct, which defines the principles and rules applying within each of the Group's entities, has been incorporated into the internal regulations of these entities.

SERFIM's commitment

We are a 100% independent company, whose capital is both family-owned and employee-owned. This independence is essential, because it gives us the freedom to make our own choices and decisions, and to anchor ourselves in the long term.

Employees trained in climate fresco.
Employee projects supported by SERFIM Mécénat.
Share of family/employee shareholders
Dedicated to R&D investment

Discover our CSR report
